Out of Darkness: A Memoir by Zoltan Torey
Out of Darkness: A Memoir by Zoltan Torey
Out of Darkness: A Memoir
by Zoltan Torey
Picador, Pan Macmillan, 2003, [First Edition], paperback, ISBN 0330364219
Very Good Condition, a little wear on the edges, pages age-toned, otherwise fine, uncreased spine
'In June 1951, Hungarian-born Zoltan Torey met with an industrial accident in Sydney that was forever to change his life. While attending to his night-shift job in a factory, the plug exploded from the vat carrying battery acid above him, showering him. The acid tore at his eyes and throat, eating away his corneas and fusing his vocal cords. This once energetic, vibrant, twenty-one year old was left almost alone in a foreign land, blinded and unable to speak above a whisper. no one thought he would survive.
But Zoltan did survive, and he responded to this tragedy in an unusual way - he decided to devote himself to helping solve the riddle of human consciousness. This would give him back his life, as through mental techniques he learned to 'see' again, and so could psychologically return to the world of light.
This amazing, uplifting and life-affirming book shows us what it is to open our eyes to life's possibilities.'